Educational Opportunity Center
The Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) helps you map out a path to your future.
We can help you every step of the way – from getting into college, 大学, 或者职业学校, to funding your education and building a career that will help you reach your goals. |
服务We provide FREE services to help you navigate the admission and financial aid process of the college, 大学, 或者职业学校 of your choice. Whether you are considering higher education or you're already enrolled, we're here to help with services like:
*Priority provided to individuals who have limited income and/or whose parents have not yet earned a Bachelor’s degree. |
The Educational Opportunity Center can provide future college students with the following services:
College admission assistance
GED/High school equivalency guidance
FAFSA application assistance
The Educational Opportunity Center can provide current college students with the following services:
FAFSA renewal assistance
Help re-applying for financial aid and completing the dependent and independent student income verification process.
Understanding student loan repayment
Information about the federal student loan repayment based on where you are in the process.
Financial and economic literacy
Through workshops and individual advising, you’ll learn about personal and household budgeting and money management. +, you’ll take away basic economic decision-making skills and understand the importance of using credit wisely.
Career exploration and advising
Explore career trends and get on track to a high-wage, high-demand career. We'll help you explore your options, 评估你的技能, 选择职业, and make a successful transition to employment.
We'll help you identify different kinds of education and tuition benefits that are available to military service members, 退伍军人, 以及他们的家庭成员.
College success strategies
Learn time management skills, 学习风格, and techniques to improve memory, 阅读, 笔记, 以及应试技巧. We place an emphasis on developing positive attitudes toward learning, setting achievable goals, and motivating students to reach their goals.
传输信息 and workshops
We can help facilitate your college transfer through a variety of workshops:
- 大学比较
- 大学招生
- 课程比较
- Differences between two- and four-year colleges
- 成本比较
虚拟预约时间Meet an advisor on Zoom to ask questions and receive services. Sessions are available Monday and Wednesday during the following times: 星期一:上午10:30.m. – 11:30 a.m. |
澳门新葡京博彩Get your start with help from the EOC!
The Alamo Colleges District Educational Opportunity Center is a federally funded TRIO program and all services are provided to program participants free of charge. All individuals who meet the eligibility requirements of this program are provided information regarding financial and academic assistance necessary for them to enter college for the first time or to return if they have dropped out. This is an outreach program of the U.S. Department of Education and the Alamo Colleges District. Alamo College District’s Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) is a federal TRIO Project funded 100% by the US Department of Education to serve 850 Participants on an annual federal budget of $232,050. |